Leading conveyor system designer and manufacturer mk North America, Inc. has officially announced their launch of a website dedicated to their VersaMove Pallet Conveyor line! We are happy to introduce you to mkversamove.com.

The new website’s design allows for a simplified layout meant to streamline the planning and strategy process for engineers. Say goodbye to websites that have too many pages to click through to get to the information you want and need – and the promise of only displaying the products you are interested in.
New menu and navigation options also make it possible to intuitively move through different platform options, access the various system modules, as well as selecting different conveyor options if needed to complete the process.
New product pages for all available accessories and system modules have also been added. This is the first time the company has made online offerings of the system modules, like stops, locates and transfers for example. Previously, only catalogs could be used to find information on these critical pallet-handling system components. Now everything engineers need to enhance the system is available right on the site.
While this new site uses its platform to focus solely on pallet handling systems, the mk North America website allows for more information on aluminum conveyors, stainless steel conveyors, pallet-handling systems, and aluminum framing offerings.
Learn more about this website or other high quality products that mk North America, Inc. offers by contacting any one of the team members @ Blettner Engineering or by calling 317-862-9580.