rn rnnnrn Mini ROBO Cylinder featured on Automation.com rnnnrnnnrn October 25, 2009 – IAI announces Mini ROBO Cylinder electric actuators that are based on a ball screw, lead screw or linear servo for exceptional repeatability and speed. The Mini ROBO Cylinder comes in a variety of shapes and sizes to meet the needs of demanding applications and the reduced size makes it the perfect drop in replacement for pneumatic cylinders. rnnnrnnnrn The versatile Mini ROBO Cylinder is the ideal motion control solution for applications needing precise control and multiple positioning points. The Mini ROBO Cylinder is also easily programmed for acceleration/deceleration, push and hold offering easier control than a comparable pneumatic system. rnnnrnnnrn Mini ROBO Cylinder Benefits:nnrn rnnnrnnnnn
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